Application Configuration Questions

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hmtoggle_plus1How do I customize the hover content?

The hover content can be modified by editing an XSL stylesheet.  Each entity that supports hover over has a schema (XSD) that defines what data is available.  For each entity there are two stylesheets – one for guest users and another for authenticated users.  This allows the content for guest users to be different than other users that are logged in.


The stylesheets are stored in the xsl directory of the application's root directory.


You cannot modify the standard xsl stylesheets.  Clients that customize the hover content should copy the original file and make changes to the copy.  Then the <hoverSettings> element of the web.config must be edited to reference the modified file.  This is necessary to preserve the customizations during the upgrade process.  Any modifications made to a standard stylesheet will be lost on upgrade.


The <hoverSettings> element in the web.config file is used to configure the xsl files that are used to render the hover popups.


Attribute names for the XSL files used for authenticated users (non guests):


roomXsl, sectionXsl, sectionMtgXsl, equipXsl, eventXsl, eventMtgXsl, serviceXsl, calendarXsl, collectionXsl


Attribute names for the XSL files used for guest users:


roomXslPublic, sectionXslPublic, sectionMtgXslPublic, equipXslPublic eventXslPublic, eventMtgXslPublic, serviceXslPublic,calendarXslPublic, collectionXslPublic


Please contact Astra Schedule support for questions or assistance with these customizations.

hmtoggle_plus1How are customer-modified files handled during software updates?

This affects:  Reports, Hover XSL stylesheets, and ATE Configuration Files.


The Ad Astra policy in Astra Schedule and Analytics is that if modifications are made to a "standard"* Astra Schedule file, the file must be copied to a new institution-specific or otherwise unique name (e.g. "UNCG-Dashboard Rooms Report.rpt") and configure the application to use the new file as appropriate.  This restriction allows Ad Astra to maintain "standard" reports, ATE configurations, and hover stylsheets and be able to replace them when upgrading existing installations.  In this manner, Ad Astra staff will always know that the "standard" installed files are valid and will work. Also, the nature and meaning of the "standard" files is known and fixed (helpful for support). When upgrading a version of the application, the Astra Control Panel tool (e.g. Patch Upgrade tool) will install all standard files and then copy any non-standard files in the instance being upgraded to the new instance being installed. Note that these copied files may need to be fixed/adjusted depending on what has changed in the new software/database structure.


* Standard means files supplied as part of a standard installation package by Ad Astra.

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