Create an Event Scheduler Group

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An Event Schedulers group is a special event user security configuration that allows certain events personnel to have visibility into each other's event records.  It is common among event scheduling staff that several schedulers in a particular office or area may need to be able to assist each other in their work or look up information about each other's events.  Because there isn't always another defining characteristic of the events they should be allowed to access, the grouping characteristic must be the creator of the event.  Event schedulers can have access to all event records in the system, only the event records they have created, or a combination of records they have created plus records certain other event schedulers have created.  The latter option is what Astra Schedule refers to as an Event Scheduler group.


It is important to understand a few key concepts related to Astra Schedule user security in order to understand how the Event Scheduler groups work:


1.A User Can Have Multiple Roles
If desired, multiple roles can be created as security "building blocks" representing different permissions for various types and profiles of data.  Several roles may be granted to a user to build up the permissions they should have.

2.Role Permissions Are Additive
If a user has multiple roles granted, all of the permissions in each role are granted to the user.  One role cannot remove or reduce the permissions of another.

3.A User Cannot Inherit Another's Permissions
When a user is granted access to a record that was created by another user, they do not inherit the other user's permission on that record.  A user may only take action allowed by their own security settings even if they are in a scheduling group that provides visibility into another's events.

Configuring an Event Scheduler Group

The Event Schedulers group option is included on the role form as a special event-related security permission that works in combination with a selected list of users (user profile).  To enable an Event Scheduler group, the role must have this special permission enabled AND users selected that belong to the group.  The Event Scheduler permission has no impact by itself without the selection of users.


To set up an Event Schedulers group within a role, perform the following:


1.Click the Roles option on the Setup tab.


2.Click on the role to be edited to display the role form and then click the Edit button.


3.In the Events section of the role form, place a check in the box next to Event Schedulers.


4.The profile edit icon will become enabled when the permission is checked.  Click the icon to display the Event Scheduler Security Profile window.


5.Select the users that should be included in the group and click Apply.


NoteNOTE: The selected users should represent ALL of the users who's event records are being shared.  For example, if the role will be applied to three users who all perform similar work and need access to each other's events, then all three users should be selected.  However, if the role will only be applied to a supervisor that needs to monitor the events of others, then only the others' user names need to be selected.


6.The Event Schedulers permission will now display the selected users in the profile column to the right of the permission.
In this example, any user associated with this role will be able to see events created by both jjones and tsmith.

7.Click Save on the role form.

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