Event Import Overview

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Astra Schedule provides an Excel event import utility for initially populating event data with data from an existing system, or for otherwise importing a number of events at once.  The event import feature utilizes the ATE to provide mapping and import functionality.  In this system, an Excel file is the event data source from which data will be imported.  An xml configuration file provides instructions for mapping and querying the Excel file, and for any rules to be applied to the data.  Finally, a transformation service interprets the incoming event data and inserts it into the Astra Schedule database.

Event Import Rules


Updates and Inserts


The import will insert new records and can update existing matching records (see below), but will not delete any existing events for which there is not match.


NOTE:  Users now have two options when executing an Excel Event data import: Skip Event and Delete Event & Recreate.


Skip Event – If this option is used, the import routine will skip any existing events that are contained in the Excel file being imported, leaving them as-is, but will still create new ones that do  not exist in Astra Schedule.


Delete Event & Recreate – If this option is used, the import routine will delete and re-insert any for which there is a match in the import file.
This new option is visible on the event import job screen as a job parameter, as shown below.


Event Types


During import, the system will compare imported event types against event types that exist in the database.  If an event type is detected that does not exist in the database, it is added.


Event Meeting Types


During import, the system will compare imported event meeting types against event meeting types in the database.  If an event meeting type is detected that does not exist in the database, it is added.


Event record owner


Imported events may be associated with specific Astra Schedule users as the event "owner", or allowed to be associated with a generic system owner called “EventImport”.  The Excel template includes an optional column for specifying the event owner.  If the value is left blank, or is not a match to an Astra Schedule user,  then the system generic owner is used.  If the value is a match to a user, then that user is inserted as the event owner.  For system owned event records, an application user must have access to view all events in order to interact with these imported activities.  Other restricted users will need to have the “EventImport” user included in a user group in order to share in the viewing of these events.




The event status included in the import file must match a valid status from the active workflow definition.  Events with non-matching statuses are rejected during import.  Additionally, only a single status is allowed for the record, and will be applied to the event, event meetings, and any room and resource assignments associated with the event.


Room assignment


The scheduled building and room for imported event meetings must match Astra Schedule building and room names and combination exactly to be valid.  If the room assignment matches, then the system will appropriately link and book the room.  If the room assignment is not a match, the event record is rejected.


Customers and contacts


Customer and contact fields are included in the imported event data.  Customers recorded for events must match existing customer records in Astra Schedule or the event record is rejected.  Likewise, contact records must match existing contacts for the applicable customer or the event record is rejected.


NOTE:  A separate customer and contact Excel import process is supported to establish customer and contact records in the system.  See Customer and Contact Import Overview for more information.


Equipment and services


Scheduled equipment and resources must match the Astra Schedule names exactly to be valid.  If the names match, then system will link and book the items.  The date and time of the reservations will default to the meeting's date and time.  If the names are not a match, the event record is rejected.

The Event Import Excel File


The Excel event import template includes a single worksheet that provides event and event meeting information.  Each row in the worksheet represents one event with one meeting and associated data.  Columns in the worksheet are provided for event and meeting fields.  The event information and basic meeting time and date information will be provided in the row data.  All records must include a unique event reservation number and an event meeting number.  Records with the same reservation number are imported as meetings of the same event.


The Excel template (EventTemplate.xls) for the importing of event data can be found in the following Astra Schedule installation directory:

Program Files\Ad Astra\7.x.x\Instances\AstraScheduleInstanceName\Files\ATEConfiguration\Spokes\SIS\Excel\ExampleDataTemplates


The Excel template and event import process support the following fields:


 NOTE:  All cells must be in text format.




EventSISKey *

This must be a unique ID per event record.  This value is used during the event record creation as the initial event ID, and is displayed on the event as part of the import note.

EventName *

EventStatus *

Must match a valid status as defined by workflow definition

EventType *

CustomerName *

ContactFirstName *

ContactLastName *




Field must include TRUE or FALSE


Field must include TRUE or FALSE


MeetingEventSISKey *

MeetingName *

MeetingType *


StartTime *


(“HH” is the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23 and “mm” is the minute, from 00 through 59.)

An example value for time would be 1503

EndTime *


(“HH” is the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23 and “mm” is the minute, from 00 through 59.)

An example value for time would be 1503

StartDate *


(“MM” is the month, from 01 through 12. “dd” is the day of the month, from 01 through 31. “yyyy” is the year as a four-digit number.)

EndDate *


(“MM” is the month, from 01 through 12. “dd” is the day of the month, from 01 through 31. “yyyy” is the year as a four-digit number.)









Field must include TRUE or FALSE


Field must include TRUE or FALSE


* = Required field

The Event Import Configuration File


An xml configuration file contains the mapping information from the Excel source file to the Astra Schedule database fields.  The order in which the event fields appear in the xml file must match the order of the fields in the Excel import file.  By default, the xml file matches the provided Excel template.


The event import xml file (EventExcelImport.xml) can be located in the following Astra Schedule installation directory:
 Program Files\Ad Astra\7.x.x\Instances\AstraScheduleInstanceName\Files\ATEConfiguration\Spokes\SIS\Excel\ExampleDataTemplates

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