Report Server Configuration

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The Report Server requires configuration to support the management of, and subscription to, report files. To configure the report server in your installation, perform the following:


1.Click on the Reports tab.


2.Click on the Report Server Configuration option to view the Report Server Configuration details.


3.Click the Edit button.


4.In the Uploaded Report Directory field enter the path to the directory in which you would like uploaded reports to be stored. Be sure to include a trailing slash.


5.In the Report Output Directory field enter the path to the directory in which you would like report output files to be stored. Be sure to include a trailing slash.


6.In the Days to Keep Report Runs field enter the number of days that report output files should be retained.


7.In the Time to Run Reports field enter the time at which the report server should generate subscribed report files.


8.In the Server URL field enter the web address that should be pre-pended to report names when accessing report links. (i.e.


9.Click Save to save your changes.

Page url: ?reporting_reportserverconfiguration.htm