Upload Reports

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New reports may be added to the Astra Schedule system at any time to restore or replace standard reports or add to your report library using reports you have created or that have been provided by Ad Astra or another institution. The process of uploading a new report saves the report in a central location, makes the application aware of the report, and adds it to the report list for use.


To add a new report, perform the following:


1.Click on the Reports tab.


2.Click on the Reports option.


3.Click the Add Report button. The Report Details form will appear.


4.Enter a name for the report you wish to add.


5.Enter a description for the report that will help identify its purpose.


6.Select a Campus to which the report is applicable from the drop-down list.


7.Select a Report Group to which the report belongs from the drop-down list.


8.Click the Upload Report button.


9.Click the Browse button to open the file explorer and find your report file.


10.Select your file and click Open. Your report path will appear in the Upload Report File: field.


11.Click Save to return to the Report Details form. The report file name will appear on the form.


12.You may change the Report Visibility option if Normal is not desired.

NoteNOTE: Normal reports are visible to all users that have access to view reports. Featured reports are flagged for filtering purposes and may be highlighted in certain areas of the application (i.e. the portal). Private reports are available only to those users that have access to view private reports.


13.Click Save to return to the Report List. Your report will now appear on the list.

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