Usage Control

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Access to scheduling activities and rooms can be controlled through user security settings. This may be all that is needed to meet your room control needs. However, if additional time, day, or date related rules are required on certain spaces, then a room-specific usage control will be required. Usage controls allow you to configure whether sections or events may be scheduled or requested, on which days of the week, at which times, and optionally, on which dates. Usage controls limit a user’s scheduling access to the room, even if they would normally have been able to schedule the room based on user security setup.

NoteNOTE: An administrative security role setting is available to allow administrator’s to override room usage controls.

A room may have a Default usage control that describes the scheduling rules, and/or Exception usage controls that describe the scheduling rules for a specific date or dates. Exception controls override Default controls for the dates during which they apply. By default, all rooms added to the Astra Schedule system have no usage controls or controls applied and are therefore open for scheduling (depending on user security) for any activity at any time.


To add a new usage control to a room, perform the following:


1.Click on the Resources tab.


2.Click on the Rooms option.


3.Find the room record you would like to edit and click on its room link.


4.Click on the Edit button.


5.Click Add Usage Control in the Usage Control section of the room edit form.

NoteNOTE: The first usage control created will be the “default” control for the room. Only one default control may exist for a room. Once a default control is created, any new controls added are considered “exceptions” to the default control. “Exception” controls are the same as “default” controls but include a name and date range.


6.If the control is an Exception, then provide a name for the exception (i.e. “Remodeling”) and the start and end date for the control.


7.Provide the start and end time for the control.


8.Select the days of the week to which the control applies.


9.Select the activities to be controlled.


10.Click Apply Rule to add your control settings to the list.


11.You may continue adding usage rules to the room by making changes and applying them to the list until satisfied.


12.Click Finish to save the control settings and apply them to the room record.


13.You may click the name of the control on the room form to display a time/day matrix representing the restrictions placed on the room. The room is open during any time where no restrictions appear.


14.Optionally, click View Affected Activities next to the usage control entry to view a list of sections or events that are currently in conflict with the usage control you have configured. These activities are not impacted by saving the usage control, but you may wish to evaluate whether they should remain scheduled in the room.


15.If you would like to apply the usage control to other rooms as well, you may do so by selecting those rooms from the list in the section labeled “Apply to Other Rooms”. Once selected, click Ok to apply the control. The control will be copied to the selected rooms.


16.When finished, click Save on the room form to save your changes.


Once usage controls exist, you may edit or delete them by performing the following:


1.Click on the Resources tab.


2.Click on the Rooms option.


3.Find the room record you would like to edit and click on its room link.


4.Click on the Edit button.


5.Click the edit icon in the Usage Control section of the room edit form and then make changes to the control as required, or, click the delete icon and then confirm that you want to remove the control from the room.

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