Space Utilization for Sections and Events in Selected Region by RoomType and Size With Seat Fill Report Key

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Purpose of Report

The Space Utilization by Room Type and Size report shows average weekly room hours from sections and events by room type for the selected region (with rooms divided by seating capacity groups)  highlighting room hour utilization and station fill (students in seats). Space utilization calculations are based on the user specified number of hours in a standard scheduling week. Additional fields show a station fill calculation on either max enrollment or actual enrollment of a section. This report can be used to measure how efficiently different types and sizes of rooms are scheduled both in terms of hours per week, and seat fill. Hours used by double books and cross-lists are counted only once. Enrollments and max enrollments for double books and cross-lists are added together.

Definition of User Defined Parameters

Select Start and End Date - Allows a user to filter activities within a date range.  The report will bring in records from all section and event meetings that occur between the start and end date.


Length of Term (in Weeks) - The report will calculate utilization based on all activities between the start and and end date selected.  To calculate average weekly utilization, total hours are divided by the number of weeks specified. This allows a user to account for Term dates including exam week, holiday weeks, etc.


Days in Standard Week - The report will only bring in room hours that occur on these selected days.


Standard Week Start and End Time - The report will only bring in room hours that occur between these start and end times.


Enter Hours in Standard Week - This parameter allows a user to enter the number of hours in the standard class week. For example, if the standard week to offer classes is 8:00a to 5:00p, Monday through Friday, the standard week would be 45 hours. This number is then used in the Room Hour Utilization calculation (Room Hours / Standard Week).

Definition of Report Fields

Room Type - Capacity - Rooms are grouped by room type and size category based on the number of seats in the room. Room size categories include 1 - 15 seats, 16 - 25 seats, 26 - 50 seats, 51 - 100 seats, and 100+ seats.


# of Rooms - Total number of rooms in the size category grouping.


Room Hours - Average number of weekly hours scheduled in rooms of that room type/size during the selected term. All section and event activities are added up by room.  Room hours used by double booked and cross-listed classes are only counted once.  A class that meets from 8:00a to 9:00a on MWF for the entire specified term would get counted for three hours per week for the entire term (if it met for 16 weeks, it would account for 48 total hours, and then be divided by the Length of Term parameter (48 / 16 = 3 average weekly room hours)).  If that same class met for only half of the specified term (8 weeks), it would only get counted for one and half hours of usage  (24 / 16 = 1.5 average weekly room hours). Class hours are rounded up to the next half hour (a class meeting from 8:00a to 9:45a would get counted as 2.00 hours).


Room Hour Utilization - Percentage of the standard weekly hours used in that room type/size category. The standard weekly hours are entered as a user defined parameter when the report is run. ( Room Hours / (# of Rooms in Size Category*Standard Week))


Room Capacity- Average number of seats in the rooms of that room type/size category.


Enrollment/Max Enrollment - Weighted average of the actual enrollment and max enrollment of each section scheduled into rooms in that room type/size category during the specified term.


Fill Ratio (Actual and Max) - Ratio of Actual enrollment or Max Enrollment to the average capacity of the rooms in the group.

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