Add Role

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To add a new role to the list, perform the following:


1.Click Add Role from the main role list window. A new role form will appear.


2.Enter a name and description for your role.


lightbulb_smallTIP: It is recommended that you choose a naming convention for your roles that helps to identify the type of responsibility that might be supported by the role. The name should reflect both the type of permissions and the data profiles defined within the role. This will aid in quickly finding and selecting appropriate roles for your users. Examples might include “Academic Scheduler - Biology”, or “Registrar’s Office - Academic Admin”.


3.Next, use the check boxes to select edit, schedule, and administrative permissions for each area of the application that are applicable to this role. Notice that permissions that are dependent on others remain disabled until the appropriate selection is made.


By default, selected permissions are applied to all applicable data in the application. Certain permissions, especially editing and scheduling permissions, may have data profiles applied to specify the data to which a permission applies. For example, if you are creating a role for a departmental academic scheduler, you may wish to associate specific subject and room data to the editing and scheduling permissions granted in the role. Perform the following to apply a data profile to a selected permission:


1.When a permission is selected that can have a data profile applied, an edit icon Icon_Edit will appear. Click this icon to display the data selection options.


2.Use the applicable group options and navigate the data tree to find and select the data items that should be associated with the permission in question.


NoteNOTE: When making data selections for a data profile, selecting a parent node in the data tree ensures that any new items added are inherited in the security model. For example, if you select a building in a room profile, any new rooms added to the building will also be accessible by users associated with the role. If, however, you select individual rooms instead of the building, the room access list will remain static.


3.Click Apply to add the selected items to the permission within the role. Notice that the data to which the permission applies is indicated to the right of the permission.


4.Continue adding profiles to other permissions as needed.


5.Choose Save to save your role and return to the main window. This role with its associated permissions and profiles may now be assigned to a user.

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