The Event List Page

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View Events

Events in Astra Schedule can be located in the Events area of the application.  Select the Events option to search and view the list of existing events.


Event List Option


The event list page can be viewed as a list of events that can be expanded to reveal their associated meetings, or as a list of meetings only. These are similar views of the same records. The event view will group multiple meetings of the same event into one record, whereas the meeting list view will show each meeting as its own record. For example, if an event has two meetings the event view will show a single record with summary information.


Event List Event Row


You may click the expand button to display the two meetings.


Event List Expand Event


The meetings view will show them each as separate entries. Select the view option at the top of the list page to choose the preferred list view.


Event List View Choices


To view more information about a specific event or meeting on the list, either hover the mouse pointer over the hover icon just to the right of the event link, or click directly on the event or meeting link.

Filter the List

To search for specific records, enter keyword search criteria in the "Keyword" text box at the top of the filter panel. The keyword search option searches event/meeting name and reservation number. Enter the desired keyword information and click Search to view your results.


To limit the number of records being displayed you may also enter filter criteria in the panel on the left.  You may select one or more of the available filter items as desired to further limit the event record list to just those records you wish to view.


Event List Filters


The My Events Filter

The My Events filter option on the Events list page provides a simple way of finding only those events and event requests originated by you. The list is pre-filtered based on the user’s login, and displays only those event requests submitted by, or events created by, the user in question.  Choose "Yes" or "No" to toggle this pre-defined filter on or off.


Search and filter criteria are combined as you enter more options.  Filter criteria are retained and will continue to be displayed if you leave the event list and return.   Click Search to retrieve your records.

Customize the List

Once the list is returned you may wish to change how the data is displayed within the list.


You may sort the data by clicking on any of the column labels to change the way the list is sorted.  Click again to reverse the sort order.  An arrow is shown on the column to indicate the sort direction.




You may choose to display the data in groups. Click on the menu for a column and choose the "Group By This Field" option.




The data will be grouped by the selected field.  Each group may be expanded or collapsed as needed.




You may customize order of the columns displayed on the page by clicking and dragging a column to the desired position.  Arrows will appear to indicate your position.




You may define which columns you would like displayed on the list by clicking on the menu option for any current column and choosing "Columns".  Check the box next to any column to add or remove it.



Navigate Pages

The event list may include a number of pages.  Use the pagination controls at the bottom of the list to page through the results, configure the number of records displayed per page, and jump to a specific page.





List Data Options

The list of records being returned by the application can be either exported to Excel or displayed as a table in the browser.  In either case, you can choose to include only the records being displayed on the page currently being viewed, or all records in the dataset being returned by the search.


To export to Excel, click the Excel button at the bottom of the list and choose the record set you would like to include.




Choose to either save the file or open it with Excel.


To view the raw table data in the browser, click the table icon and choose the record set you would like to include.


The browser will render the data in a table for you to view.

Page url: ?events_eventlistpage.htm