Timetable Results

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To review the results after a timetable run is complete, click the name of the timetable run on the run list page.




Once an timetable sandbox is completed, the detail view of the sandbox will default to the Results tab.  The Results tab includes summary data, a list of sections that were scheduled during the optimization, lists of sections that were not scheduled due to bottlenecks or infeasible requests, a list of students with schedules that include conflicts, and a publish option for moving the room and time assignments to production when ready.  Tools are provided for editing the schedule and resolving problems prior to publishing.

Summary Statistics

At the top of the results page is a summary section indicating the total number of sections included in the timetable run, the number of these sections that were assigned times and rooms during the optimization (Scheduled), the number that had suitable times and rooms but the rooms were not available (Bottleneck), and the number whose combination of preferences and/or requirements resulted in no suitable times and/or rooms (Infeasible).  Because student schedule information is taken into account during timetabling, statistics related to the numbers of scheduled students are provided as well.  Next to the summary list is a pie chart illustrating this relationship in terms of percentages of the whole group of sections the optimizer considered.



Below the statistics summary you will find tabs for reviewing scheduled sections as well as investigating and resolving issues related to bottlenecks, infeasibles, and students in conflict.

Page url: ?timetabling_results.htm